U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency

Resource: Ambulances (Ground)
Category: Health & Medical (ESF #8)
Kind: Team; Equipment; Personnel; Supplies; Vehicles
Minimum Capabilities (Component) Minimum Capabilities
Type I Type II Type III Type IV Other
Supplies, Equipment, Personnel, and Vehicle Emergency medical services team with equipment, supplies, and vehicle for patient transport (Type I-IV) and emergency medical care out of hospital leadmedic.com

Advanced Life Support; Minimum 2 staff(paramedic and EMT); Transport 2-litter patients; Training and equipment meets or exceeds standards as addressed by EPA, OSHA and NFPA 471,472,473 and 29 CFR 1910, 120 ETA 3-11 to work in HazMat Level B and specific threat conditions; All immunized in accordance with CDC core adult immunizations and specific threat as appropriate

Advanced Life Support, Minimum 2 staff (paramedic and EMT); Transport 2-litter patients, nonHazMat response

Basic Life Support Minimum 2 staff (EMT and first responder); Transport 2 litter patients; Training and equipment meets or exceeds standards as addressed by EPA, OSHA and NFPA 471,472,473 and 29 CFR 1910, 120 ETA 3-11 to work in HazMat Level B and specific threat conditions; All immunized in accordance with CDC core adult immunizations and specific threat as appropriate

Basic Life Support operations; Minimum 2 personnel (I EMT and first responder); Transport 2 litter patients

Nontransporting emergency medical response; Minimum 1 staff; BLS or ALS equipment supplies


Each team unit can work 12-hour shifts. Backup supply and some equipment required according to number of patients and type of event. Communication equipment may be programmable for interoperability but must be verified. Fuel supply and maintenance support must be available. Plan for augmenting existing communication equipment. Environmental considerations related to temperature control in patient care compartment and pharmaceutical storage may be necessary for locations with excessive ranges in temperature. Security of vehicle support required for periods of standby without crew in attendance. Decontamination supplies and support required for responses to incidents with potential threat to responding services or transport of infectious patients.

National Mutual Aid & Resource Management Initiative
Emergency Medical Services